Hi all,
I know you like to read my invisible "posts" but I want to inform you I use an other system on my own website. http://wirtel.be
See you later on my new blog.
Planet Open ERP
Planet Open Object
openerp: what's new online
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
New Beta Installer for OpenERP 6.0
Hi all,
This post to discuss about the new Windows Installers [1] and some improvements and because I would like to have a feedback.
If you are looking for the installers for the server and the clients, you will find them if you uncompress the "All In One" ;-)
Attention: This installer only contains the base addon because it's just a test for feedback.
For feedback, you can send me an email to stw AT openerp DOT com
1. We use the profiles
We propose some profiles:
For the uninstallation, we don't uninstall the PostgreSQL database.
With this feature, you can upgrade your OpenERP installation without to uninstall the PostgreSQL database and therefore without making a backup of the databases.
Result: You can upgrade the OpenERP installation (v6.0) with the new Installer (6.0.0 -> 6.0.1)
Even if the All In One is installed, you can separately upgrade the Clients or the Server and the addons to a new version
With this improvement, you can upgrade the AllInOne 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 without to uninstall the previous installer.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP Server 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP Web Client 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP GTK Client 6.0
C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\
[1] http://www.openerp.com/download/unstable/openerp-setup-
This post to discuss about the new Windows Installers [1] and some improvements and because I would like to have a feedback.
If you are looking for the installers for the server and the clients, you will find them if you uncompress the "All In One" ;-)
Attention: This installer only contains the base addon because it's just a test for feedback.
For feedback, you can send me an email to stw AT openerp DOT com
1. We use the profiles
We propose some profiles:
- All In One: Will install the Server and the Clients and/or the PostgreSQL database
- Server: Will install the Server and/or the PostgreSQL database
- GTK Client
- Web Client
- Custom
For the uninstallation, we don't uninstall the PostgreSQL database.
With this feature, you can upgrade your OpenERP installation without to uninstall the PostgreSQL database and therefore without making a backup of the databases.
Result: You can upgrade the OpenERP installation (v6.0) with the new Installer (6.0.0 -> 6.0.1)
Even if the All In One is installed, you can separately upgrade the Clients or the Server and the addons to a new version
2.1. Registry Structure
Each component of the AllInOne Installer has its own structure in the registry of Windows.With this improvement, you can upgrade the AllInOne 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 without to uninstall the previous installer.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP Server 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP Web Client 6.0
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\OpenERP GTK Client 6.0
2.2. Directory Structure
For this version, there is a new directory structure, with this new structure, it's possible to install OpenERP 5.0 and >= 6.0C:\Program Files\OpenERP 6.0\
3. PostgreSQL is optional
If PostgreSQL is installed on the system, the user can't select the "Install PostgreSQL database" section, but can configure the connection to the PostgreSQL serverThe installation of the server will propose a screen for the configuration of PostgreSQL.
[1] http://www.openerp.com/download/unstable/openerp-setup-
Friday, October 8, 2010
The release of OpenERP 5.0.15 is delayed of one week
Hi all,
I know that you are waiting for the new minor release of OpenERP 5.0.15, but we detected a bug in the printing of the workflows. We have a patch for that, but I prefer check it on Python 2.4 and Windows.
OpenERP 5.0.15 will be released during the next week.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Stéphane Wirtel
I know that you are waiting for the new minor release of OpenERP 5.0.15, but we detected a bug in the printing of the workflows. We have a patch for that, but I prefer check it on Python 2.4 and Windows.
OpenERP 5.0.15 will be released during the next week.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Stéphane Wirtel
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Loempia Project
Hi all,
I want to talk about a personal project for OpenERP. This project is Loempia.Loempia will be the official repository for the modules of OpenERP, it allows to share the modules with the community.
Why Loempia?
The problem with this way of working is that we don't know where a module is and if this module is up to date or not. Where are the certified modules ? etc...
I think Loempia can help everybody, because it will be the main repository for the modules of OpenERP.
With Loempia, you will have the capability to share your modules and comments. You could use the tag and rating systems.
You will have the capability to make some searchs with some specific criteria.
You will be able to look for the modules for the accounting for the
version 5.0 of a specific contributor.
Do you want the certified modules for OpenERP 6.0, a small search on Loempia and
you will get the results.
I think it's a very useful site and not only a marketing tool!
Why don't you want to use PyPi?
and it works fine. But it's a technical site. Yes, we could use it to store the
openerp's modules and after, what? You could show the best contributors, the
most downloaded modules, and promote modules with screenshots.
Some features of Loempia:
- You could select a module of a given contributor.
- You could select a module for a specific version of OpenERP.
- How can I get the certified modules? Are these modules updated.
What will we propose in Loempia?
- Rating System
- Comment System
- Tag System
- User / Authentication system (OpenID, you will be able to connect with your LaunchPad ID account)
- Allows to register new launchpad branches or upload zip files
- Generate the documentation of the modules and integrate it into Sphinx
- Allows the screenshots (thanks to NaNtic)
- Produce sample of PDF reports
- Develop web-services for the API to register/browse addons
- Allows the possibility to register a branch or a module in the buildbot of OpenERP and add the results in the module statistics
- Fetch the specifications of a module in JSON, XML via an url
- Download the module via an url
- A python library and a command line client to handle the modules
- loempia search <module>
- loempia show <module+version>
- loempia fetch <module+version>
- loempia login <user> <version>
- loempia push <module>
- loempia install <module>
- loempia update {-all | <module> | <module+version> }
- loempia outdated
Here is the mock-up of the screens with basiliq
If you have comments or suggestions, you can contact me.
Monday, July 12, 2010
New Release of OpenERP 5.0.12
We have the pleasure to announce a new revision of OpenERP 5.0.
This release contains lots of bug fixes which you can find in this brief summary.
But if you want to find more details you can look at the Changelogs [1]
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
Windows Installers
You can contribute to OpenERP on LaunchPad.
The OpenERP Team,
We have the pleasure to announce a new revision of OpenERP 5.0.
This release contains lots of bug fixes which you can find in this brief summary.
But if you want to find more details you can look at the Changelogs [1]
- Proper recursive copy of translations through one2many relationships during copy()
- Correct computation of parent_store for specific cases with duplicate/copy()
- Report
- Provide time module in report context as documented in technical documentation and technical memento
- Translations
- Update the translations of all modules
- Don't commit when updating translations, to preserve transactions
- The cache is updated when we change the translations
- Others
- Remove the 'No LSB modules are available.' error
- Compute should work when to_currency is not supplied
- There was an error in the context during updating the user preferences
- Missing attributes(limit,usage,auto_refresh) added on RNG validation for act_window
- account
- Use the sequence with an associated fiscal year for an invoice.
- Hide the parent of the sequence in the 'fiscal years' tab
- When Payment is done by bank statement with a different currency, amount should be converted to company currency
- Centralize movement fixed
- Validation of moves create relevant account analytic entries
- Aged trial balance report corrected
- Fiscalyear closing wizard: entries of account with defferal method=='unreconciled' that are reconciled on a next fiscalyear
- Bank statement problem corrected for partial payments
- account_followup
- Efficiency problem fixed. The report always timed out when there were lots of unreconciled entries (even if we selected only one partner to followup)
- purchase
- Avoid to copy the default move lines on the stock picking during
- l10n_be
- VAT periodic declaration: fixed the version of the xsd used in the xsi
- VAT declaration: the tax code 91 can only be send for the declaration of December
- product
- Product packaging sequence was not used for _order
- Fix a typo in the product template (Track Incoming Lots, Track Outgoing Lots)
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-server-5.0.12.tar.gz
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-client-5.0.12.tar.gz
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-web-5.0.12.tar.gz
Windows Installers
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-server-setup-5.0.12.exe
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-client-setup-5.0.12.exe
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-web-setup-5.0.12.exe
- AllInOne: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-allinone-setup-5.0.12.exe
You can contribute to OpenERP on LaunchPad.
- OpenERP Download page: http://openerp.com/downloads.html
- OpenObject Project on LaunchPad: https://launchpad.net/openobject
- Translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject
- Bug Reporting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject/+filebug
- [1] Changelogs:
The OpenERP Team,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
OpenERP 5.0.11
We have the pleasure to announce a new revision of OpenERP 5.0.
This release contains lots of improvements and bug fixes which you can find in the Changelogs
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-server-5.0.11.tar.gz
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-client-5.0.11.tar.gz
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-web-5.0.11.tar.gz
Windows Installers:
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-server-setup-5.0.11.exe
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-client-setup-5.0.11.exe
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-web-setup-5.0.11.exe
- AllInOne: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-allinone-setup-5.0.11.exe
You can contribute to OpenERP on LaunchPad.
- OpenERP Download page: http://openerp.com/downloads.html
- OpenObject Project on LaunchPad: https://launchpad.net/openobject
- Translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject
- Bug Reporting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject/+filebug
- Changelog:
For more information, take a look at the wiki and the forum.
The OpenERP Team,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Security Bugfixes for Stable 5.0.11
Hello all,
During the last month or so we worked on fixing outstanding potential sql injection vectors in the server [1] and various addons [2].
These branches are currently in my launchpad account [3] and we're planning on merging them into stable with 5.0.11.
They should be stable, but we might have introduced a few bugs (or missed a few vectors), would it be possible that you test them and report back?
Thank you very much.
Stéphane Wirtel
[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-addons/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-server/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[3] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp
During the last month or so we worked on fixing outstanding potential sql injection vectors in the server [1] and various addons [2].
These branches are currently in my launchpad account [3] and we're planning on merging them into stable with 5.0.11.
They should be stable, but we might have introduced a few bugs (or missed a few vectors), would it be possible that you test them and report back?
Thank you very much.
Stéphane Wirtel
[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-addons/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-server/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[3] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp
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