Hello all,
During the last month or so we worked on fixing outstanding potential sql injection vectors in the server [1] and various addons [2].
These branches are currently in my launchpad account [3] and we're planning on merging them into stable with 5.0.11.
They should be stable, but we might have introduced a few bugs (or missed a few vectors), would it be possible that you test them and report back?
Thank you very much.
Stéphane Wirtel
[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-addons/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[2] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp/openobject-server/5.0_security_branche_sql_injection
[3] https://code.launchpad.net/~stephane-openerp
Planet Open ERP
Planet Open Object
openerp: what's new online
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
OpenERP 5.0.10
We have the pleasure to announce a new revision of OpenERP 5.0.
This release contains lots of improvements and bug fixes which you can find in the Changelogs
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
Windows Installers:
You can contribute to OpenERP on LaunchPad.
For more information, take a look at the wiki and the forum.
The OpenERP Team,
This release contains lots of improvements and bug fixes which you can find in the Changelogs
You will find the Windows Installers and the tarball archives on OpenERP download page.
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-server-5.0.10.tar.gz
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-client-5.0.10.tar.gz
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/source/openerp-web-5.0.10.tar.gz
Windows Installers:
- Server: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-server-setup-5.0.10.exe
- Client: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-client-setup-5.0.10.exe
- Web: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-web-setup-5.0.10.exe
- AllInOne: http://openerp.com/download/stable/win32/openerp-allinone-setup-5.0.10.exe
You can contribute to OpenERP on LaunchPad.
- OpenERP Download page: http://openerp.com/downloads.html
- OpenObject Project on LaunchPad: https://launchpad.net/openobject
- Translations: https://translations.launchpad.net/openobject
- Bug Reporting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openobject/+filebug
- Changelog:
For more information, take a look at the wiki and the forum.
The OpenERP Team,
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