Hi all,
I want to talk about a personal project for OpenERP. This project is Loempia.Loempia will be the official repository for the modules of OpenERP, it allows to share the modules with the community.
Why Loempia?
The problem with this way of working is that we don't know where a module is and if this module is up to date or not. Where are the certified modules ? etc...
I think Loempia can help everybody, because it will be the main repository for the modules of OpenERP.
With Loempia, you will have the capability to share your modules and comments. You could use the tag and rating systems.
You will have the capability to make some searchs with some specific criteria.
You will be able to look for the modules for the accounting for the
version 5.0 of a specific contributor.
Do you want the certified modules for OpenERP 6.0, a small search on Loempia and
you will get the results.
I think it's a very useful site and not only a marketing tool!
Why don't you want to use PyPi?
and it works fine. But it's a technical site. Yes, we could use it to store the
openerp's modules and after, what? You could show the best contributors, the
most downloaded modules, and promote modules with screenshots.
Some features of Loempia:
- You could select a module of a given contributor.
- You could select a module for a specific version of OpenERP.
- How can I get the certified modules? Are these modules updated.
What will we propose in Loempia?
- Rating System
- Comment System
- Tag System
- User / Authentication system (OpenID, you will be able to connect with your LaunchPad ID account)
- Allows to register new launchpad branches or upload zip files
- Generate the documentation of the modules and integrate it into Sphinx
- Allows the screenshots (thanks to NaNtic)
- Produce sample of PDF reports
- Develop web-services for the API to register/browse addons
- Allows the possibility to register a branch or a module in the buildbot of OpenERP and add the results in the module statistics
- Fetch the specifications of a module in JSON, XML via an url
- Download the module via an url
- A python library and a command line client to handle the modules
- loempia search <module>
- loempia show <module+version>
- loempia fetch <module+version>
- loempia login <user> <version>
- loempia push <module>
- loempia install <module>
- loempia update {-all | <module> | <module+version> }
- loempia outdated
Here is the mock-up of the screens with basiliq
If you have comments or suggestions, you can contact me.
I check the blueprint : http://bit.ly/drqYZt , I only worrie around some link with "top contributors" on lempia, I think the things around Ranking should not be only in number of modules, even in nuymber as contribution per user, because you as community member can give you contrib to modules made by others...
GREAT IDEA.... regards.
Hi Nhomar,
Thank you for your comment.
I'm agree with the top contributors. But I trust the contributors. But don't forget something, you will be able to comment a module and inform us if there is a problem with the authorship of a module.
If there will be a cheater, we will show him on the village square.
Why this new domain name 'loempia'? There is already some confusion with the names openerp and openobject (now the last one seems to be deprecated).
Small remark, it think that your mockup tool is Balsamiq, not Basiliq.
hello stephane.
The thing is:
Maths on Launchpad to calc karma are correct IMHO this conecepts (better explained on the Art of community book[1]) are very well to have justice with everyone, because even as community member the author rights are obvious important but the Bugs - answers - Blueprints docs all this stuff take the same time than make yor own module, it should be taken in account, to show "Top Contributors".
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